Welcome to meadowbrook baptist church
Worship at 9:00 a.m.; Fellowship at 10:00; Nursery for infants & children through five years old
Worship at 9:00 a.m.; Fellowship at 10:00; Nursery for infants & children through five years old
After Bob Marcaurelle, longtime pastor of Concord Baptist Church in Anderson, SC, retired in 2002, he read where there were 127 homeless children in School District 5. He then decided to leave Interim ministry and plant a church that would help the struggling people in Anderson.
We are a Southern Baptist congregation with an emphasis o
After Bob Marcaurelle, longtime pastor of Concord Baptist Church in Anderson, SC, retired in 2002, he read where there were 127 homeless children in School District 5. He then decided to leave Interim ministry and plant a church that would help the struggling people in Anderson.
We are a Southern Baptist congregation with an emphasis on Expository Preaching of the Scriptures that sings the standard music. We are not a "praise and worship" congregation because we believe the type of music used though the years in Baptist churches teaches Bible truths that cover all aspects of Christian faith and life. Our music puts the emphasis on expressing love for Christ by living for Him more than on emotion.
Our Worship Service is from 9 - 10 AM .
That is followed by a time of food and fellowship. There are no other services.
Song leader is Dwight Greene.
We are located at 102 North Park Drive, off of McGee Road and near Hwy 28 Bypass.
Our mission is to support Southern Baptist Convention ministries worldwide, in addition to local helping agencies. Plus, we invest more of our mission budget in the needs of West Anderson. We have adopted four churches there to support them in reaching out to the community. These churches are
Bethel Baptist Church
Crossover Baptist Churc
Our mission is to support Southern Baptist Convention ministries worldwide, in addition to local helping agencies. Plus, we invest more of our mission budget in the needs of West Anderson. We have adopted four churches there to support them in reaching out to the community. These churches are
Bethel Baptist Church
Crossover Baptist Church
Greater Love Bible Church
South Main Chapel and Mercy Center
Bethel Church gave out over 4,300 sack lunches in 2019 and built a room for the homeless to shower and wash their clothes. Crossover Church members go out personally and minister to the homeless in downtown Anderson. Greater Love (African-American) is reaching out to get people in church and Sunday School. The Mercy Chapel is a unique church with members from several areas of Anderson, worshiping together with the homeless and the poor. Our church provides and serves lunch at the South Main Chapel & Mercy Center. Typically, this occurs the second Sunday of each quarter.
In addition to helping ministries in West Anderson, we have funds in what we call “Ongoing Love.” This is made up primarily from donations by our members on special occasions and by those outside of the church who learn of what we are doing. Because of generous donations, we have kept families from being evicted; bought groceries for fa
In addition to helping ministries in West Anderson, we have funds in what we call “Ongoing Love.” This is made up primarily from donations by our members on special occasions and by those outside of the church who learn of what we are doing. Because of generous donations, we have kept families from being evicted; bought groceries for families where the breadwinner has had to miss work; built handicap ramps, and even paid for septic lines to be put in.
Since 2008, our church has brought nonperishable food items each week and given them to local helping agencies to distribute.
We offer physical, financial, and most of all spiritual help through the Gospel. Our goal is to offer a “helping hand,” and not a “hand out,” in order to help people stand on their own with God’s help. The purpose is to lead them to be a part of a local church and to serve God and serve others.
If you would like to be a part of something like this, make out a check to our church and designate it “For Ongoing Love."
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